
Please fill in the information *
Marital status *
Current Occupation *

If you are a business owner, please specify the business name, type, and duration.

Do you have management expertise? *
Do you have marketing knowledge? *
Have experience in doing business
Do you think that the brand franchise business that you want to invest in is clear? Is it possible or not? *
How did you hear about the Ochaya franchise? *
Estimated profit amount of 1 store per month that you project. *
The average contract period of the franchise business that requires investment *
Do you manage the store yourself? *
Do you have a team to take care of your store? *
If you don't have time to manage or inspect the store, will there be someone to do it for you? *

If yes, please specify.

Currently, you have a location for doing business.
Land owner status *
Survey the current area and location to see if it is beneficial to doing business or not. *
Areas of interest for investment The surrounding area is near community areas and markets. *
Situation of competition within the area *
Does the nature of the location match the needs of opening a business shop? *
There are sources or places nearby to invest in businesses. *
Location of areas interested in investing How many people are there? *
Community density level *
A survey was made and a map and details of nearby shops were prepared. *
Size of area of interest *
Budget to invest *
When do you plan to open for business? *